Contact Form Privacy Policy Agreement

MyBB 1.8 Plugin to add a privacy policy agreement checkbox into form on contact page.
Version: 1.1
Autor: SvePu
Deutsche Übersetzung: noch nicht übersetzt
Hochgeladen: 27.12.2022
Letzte Aktualisierung: 28.12.2022
Support: (1 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.8.x
Bisherige Downloads: 39
Contact Form Privacy Policy Agreement
MyBB 1.8 Plugin to add a privacy policy agreement checkbox into form on contact page.

  • Unzip package
  • Copy content from "UPLOAD" folder to the forum root on server
  • Install & Activate the plugin in ACP
  • Check the plugin settings at configurations

Simple Update:
  • Download & unzip new package
  • Copy content from "Upload" folder to the forum root on server - overwrite existing plugin files

Full Update:
  • Download & unzip new package
  • Uninstall plugin in ACP
  • Copy content from "Upload" folder to the forum root on server - overwrite existing plugin files
  • Install & activate the plugn in ACP
  • Check the plugin settings at configurations


v 1.1 (simple update required)
  • some typo fixes in language files
v 1.0
  • initial release

This plugin offers full language support.
The basic package contains english and german language files.

Licensed under the GNU GPL, version 3. Click here for the official github repository for this project.

Quelle: Contact Form Privacy Policy Agreement bei

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