Prefix Import

Imports the prefixes made in MyBB 1.4.x
Version: 1.0
Autor: XxAnimusxX
Deutsche Übersetzung: XxAnimusxX
Hochgeladen: 09.08.2010
Support: (0 Beiträge)
Kompatibilität: MyBB 1.6.x
Bisherige Downloads: 16
Did you use the PrefixManager (v1.0) in MyBB 1.4.x to enhance your display
of threads? Do you want to keep your prefixes? Are you just to lazy or do
you just don't know how to manage things?

This Mod will help you importing your prefixes you already made.
Just place the prefiximport.php into your MyBB-Root and open the file in
your browser.

There are still some important notes to consider:
* this script helps you just to import your prefixes - not more, not

* if you already created prefixes within MyBB 1.6 the Prefix-IDs won't
match anymore with your threads, so be prepared to correct all of your
threads! (Solution: delete all your prefixes in MyBB 1.6, import the old
ones and create the deleted ones afterwards ...)

* After importing the prefixes you should proceed to delete the database
table concerning the old prefixes to prevent your database to be flooded
with trash

* Because of different table formats you should browse the imported
prefixes within your AdminCP to correct the new data if necessary, e.g. if
you selected all forums in MyBB 1.4.x you have to select "All forums" in
your AdminCP, otherwise the database-entry will contain unnecessary
It will work anyways, though it is not recommended to just leave it like

Quelle: Prefix Import bei

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