30.01.2017, 13:10
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Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Ajax PM Notification
Zitat:Ajax PM Notification
Checks automatic for new PM in background.
Author: querschlaeger
Submitted: 29th March 2009
Last Updated: 3rd August 2010
This plugin checks automatic for new PM in background and shows immediately a nice semitransparent notification box if there is a new one (or two, or three, ...). Every user can enable or disable this box for it's own by changing the setting Alert me with a notice when I receive a Private Message. in User CP.
MyBB 1.4: Yes
MyBB 1.6: Yes
Updated to version 1.8.2 for MyBB 1.8.x usage by: Vintagedaddyo
- Minor code changes
- Minor directory changes
- Added alert sound
* Updated to version 1.8.3
Further localization support
- english
- englishgb
- espanol
- french
- italiano
MyBB 1.8: Yes
To Install:
Upload The Files, And Go to Admin CP And Active IT!