27.11.2016, 16:15
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.05.2021, 11:30 von MyBB.de Bot.)
Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Contact in sidebar
Zitat:IMPORTANT: Required plugin: LightAvatars - click here to download.
1. Upload files of plugin to /inc/plugins/
2. Activate it in the admin panel
3. Go to index template and in your sidebox add {$kontaktwpanelu} variable
4. In the plugin settings in appropriate field add new administrators with the following form:
ID Steam Skype Jabber AIM
in case you have more than 1 administrator follow this form:
ID Steam Skype Jabber AIM,ID Steam Skype Jabber AIM
(all in one line; in the last one don't put comma at the end of line)
In case you would like to skip Steam/Skype/Jabber/AIM field, add two spaces after previous and put the next contact option, for example: ID(two spaces)Skype Jabber AIM
Huge thanks for technical support to:
@Łukasz Tkacz
@Kacper Wojciechowski