
Normale Version: Latest Threads Ticker
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Eine neue Erweiterung wurde veröffentlicht: Latest Threads Ticker

Zitat:Latest Threads Ticker

Lets you implement trending threads marquee/ticker for your forum index page.

Created by Madhan Kumar M & Vintagedaddyo

** Whats new in v1.1?

- plugin name change
- plugin directory name structure change
- plugin template install no longer manual
- plugin localization support
- ability to turn plugin on or off on index via settings
- ability to edit plugin css via settings
- ability to edit ticker behavior via settings
- ability to edit ticker direction via settings
- ability to edit ticker scroll amount via settings
- ability to edit ticker scroll delay via settings

localization support:


*** edit the marquee direction, scrollamount, scrolldelay to suit your need. scrollamount is the speed of the marquee and scrolldelay is the time between each loops.