Vergleich inc/languages/english/showthread.lang.php - 1.8.24 - 1.8.29

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Zeile 13Zeile 13
$l['message'] = "Message";
$l['threaded'] = "Threaded Mode";
$l['linear'] = "Linear Mode";

$l['message'] = "Message";
$l['threaded'] = "Threaded Mode";
$l['linear'] = "Linear Mode";

$l['thread_modes'] = "Thread Modes";

$l['next_oldest'] = "Next Oldest";
$l['next_newest'] = "Next Newest";
$l['view_printable'] = "View a Printable Version";

$l['next_oldest'] = "Next Oldest";
$l['next_newest'] = "Next Newest";
$l['view_printable'] = "View a Printable Version";

Zeile 91Zeile 90
$l['error_nonextoldest'] = "There are no threads that are older than the one you were previously viewing.";
$l['quickreply_multiquote_selected'] = "You have selected one or more posts to quote.";
$l['quickreply_multiquote_now'] = "Quote these posts now";

$l['error_nonextoldest'] = "There are no threads that are older than the one you were previously viewing.";
$l['quickreply_multiquote_selected'] = "You have selected one or more posts to quote.";
$l['quickreply_multiquote_now'] = "Quote these posts now";

$l['or'] ="or";

$l['or'] = "or";

$l['quickreply_multiquote_deselect'] = "deselect them";
$l['search_thread'] = "Search Thread";
$l['enter_keywords'] = "Enter Keywords";

$l['quickreply_multiquote_deselect'] = "deselect them";
$l['search_thread'] = "Search Thread";
$l['enter_keywords'] = "Enter Keywords";