Vergleich inc/class_feedparser.php - 1.8.5 - 1.8.27

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Zeile 34Zeile 34
* Parses a feed with the specified filename (or URL)

* Parses a feed with the specified filename (or URL)

	 * @param string The path or URL of the feed

	 * @param string $feed The path or URL of the feed

	 * @return boolean True if parsing was a success, false if failure
function parse_feed($feed)

	 * @return boolean True if parsing was a success, false if failure
function parse_feed($feed)

		// Include the XML parser
require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_xml.php";

		// Load the feed we want to parse
$contents = fetch_remote_file($feed);

		// Load the feed we want to parse
$contents = fetch_remote_file($feed);

Zeile 65Zeile 62

// Parse the feed and get the tree


// Parse the feed and get the tree

		$parser = new XMLParser($contents);

		$parser = create_xml_parser($contents);

		$tree = $parser->get_tree();

// If the feed is invalid, throw back an error

		$tree = $parser->get_tree();

// If the feed is invalid, throw back an error

Zeile 76Zeile 73

// Change array key names to lower case


// Change array key names to lower case

		$tree = $this->keys_to_lowercase($tree);

		$tree = $this->keys_to_lowercase($tree);

		// This is an RSS feed, parse it
if(array_key_exists("rss", $tree))

		// This is an RSS feed, parse it
if(array_key_exists("rss", $tree))



		// We don't know how to parse this feed
$this->error = "unknown_feed_type";
return false;

		// We don't know how to parse this feed
$this->error = "unknown_feed_type";
return false;


return true;


* Parses an XML structure in the format of an RSS feed


* Parses an XML structure in the format of an RSS feed

	 * @param array PHP XML parser structure

	 * @param array $feed_contents PHP XML parser structure

	 * @return boolean true
function parse_rss($feed_contents)

	 * @return boolean true
function parse_rss($feed_contents)

Zeile 196Zeile 195
* Convert all array keys within an array to lowercase

* Convert all array keys within an array to lowercase

	 * @param array The array to be converted

	 * @param array $array The array to be converted

	 * @return array The converted array
function keys_to_lowercase($array)

	 * @return array The converted array
function keys_to_lowercase($array)

Zeile 220Zeile 219
* Converts an RSS date stamp in to a unix timestamp

* Converts an RSS date stamp in to a unix timestamp

	 * @param string The RSS date

	 * @param string $date The RSS date

	 * @return integer The unix timestamp (if successful), 0 if unsuccessful
function get_rss_timestamp($date)

	 * @return integer The unix timestamp (if successful), 0 if unsuccessful
function get_rss_timestamp($date)