Vergleich inc/datahandlers/pm.php - 1.8.14 - 1.8.24

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Zeile 101Zeile 101
return false;

return false;


// If the length of message is beyond SQL limitation for 'text' field
else if(strlen($message) > 65535)
$this->set_error("message_too_long", array('65535', strlen($message)));
return false;

		return true;

		return true;

Zeile 301Zeile 309

// Is the recipient only allowing private messages from their buddy list?


// Is the recipient only allowing private messages from their buddy list?

				if($mybb->settings['allowbuddyonly'] == 1 && $user['receivefrombuddy'] == 1 && !empty($user['buddylist']) && strpos(','.$user['buddylist'].',', ','.$pm['fromid'].',') === false)

				if(empty($pm['saveasdraft']) && $mybb->settings['allowbuddyonly'] == 1 && $user['receivefrombuddy'] == 1 && !empty($user['buddylist']) && strpos(','.$user['buddylist'].',', ','.$pm['fromid'].',') === false)

$this->set_error('recipient_has_buddy_only', array(htmlspecialchars_uni($user['username'])));

$this->set_error('recipient_has_buddy_only', array(htmlspecialchars_uni($user['username'])));

Zeile 727Zeile 735
		// If we're saving a copy
if($pm['options']['savecopy'] != 0)

		// If we're saving a copy
if($pm['options']['savecopy'] != 0)

			if(isset($recipient_list['to']) && count($recipient_list['to']) == 1)

			if(isset($recipient_list['to']) && is_array($recipient_list['to']) && count($recipient_list['to']) == 1)

$this->pm_insert_data['toid'] = $uid;

$this->pm_insert_data['toid'] = $uid;