Vergleich inc/languages/english/usercp.lang.php - 1.8.20 - 1.8.21

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$l['buddy_list_empty'] = "Your buddy list is currently empty. To add one or more users to your buddy list, please use the field above.";
$l['confirm_remove_buddy'] = "Remove this user from your buddy list?";
$l['confirm_remove_ignored'] = "Remove this user from your ignore list?";

$l['buddy_list_empty'] = "Your buddy list is currently empty. To add one or more users to your buddy list, please use the field above.";
$l['confirm_remove_buddy'] = "Remove this user from your buddy list?";
$l['confirm_remove_ignored'] = "Remove this user from your ignore list?";

$l['adding_buddy'] = "Adding Buddy..";
$l['adding_ignored'] = "Adding to Ignored..";

$l['adding_buddy'] = "Adding Buddy…";
$l['adding_ignored'] = "Adding to Ignored…";

$l['add_buddies'] = "Add Users to your Buddy List";
$l['add_buddies_desc'] = "To add one or more users to your buddy list, enter their usernames below. Separate multiple usernames with a comma.";
$l['username_or_usernames'] = "Username(s):";

$l['add_buddies'] = "Add Users to your Buddy List";
$l['add_buddies_desc'] = "To add one or more users to your buddy list, enter their usernames below. Separate multiple usernames with a comma.";
$l['username_or_usernames'] = "Username(s):";