Vergleich modcp.php - 1.8.17 - 1.8.21

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Zeile 2617Zeile 2617

// Set the data of the user in the datahandler.

// Set the data of the user in the datahandler.

	$errors = '';

	$errors = array();

// Validate the user and get any errors that might have occurred.

// Validate the user and get any errors that might have occurred.

Zeile 3437Zeile 3437



	$username = $mybb->get_input('username');

	$username = htmlspecialchars_uni($mybb->get_input('username'));

	eval("\$finduser = \"".$templates->get("modcp_finduser")."\";");

	eval("\$finduser = \"".$templates->get("modcp_finduser")."\";");

Zeile 3578Zeile 3578
		$per_page = (int)$mybb->input['filter']['per_page'];
$start = ($page-1) * $per_page;

		$per_page = (int)$mybb->input['filter']['per_page'];
$start = ($page-1) * $per_page;

	$pages = ceil($total_warnings / $per_page);
if($page > $pages)
$start = 0;
$page = 1;

	// Build the base URL for pagination links
$url = 'modcp.php?action=warninglogs';
if(is_array($mybb->input['filter']) && count($mybb->input['filter']))

	// Build the base URL for pagination links
$url = 'modcp.php?action=warninglogs';
if(is_array($mybb->input['filter']) && count($mybb->input['filter']))