Vergleich inc/languages/english/usercp.lang.php - 1.8.14 - 1.8.18

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Zeile 209Zeile 209
$l['website_url'] = "Your Website URL:";
$l['birthdate'] = "Birthdate:";
$l['contact_field_icq'] = "ICQ Number:";

$l['website_url'] = "Your Website URL:";
$l['birthdate'] = "Birthdate:";
$l['contact_field_icq'] = "ICQ Number:";

$l['contact_field_aim'] = "AIM Screen Name:";

$l['contact_field_yahoo'] = "Yahoo ID:";
$l['contact_field_skype'] = "Skype ID:";
$l['contact_field_google'] = "Google Hangouts ID:";

$l['contact_field_yahoo'] = "Yahoo ID:";
$l['contact_field_skype'] = "Skype ID:";
$l['contact_field_google'] = "Google Hangouts ID:";

Zeile 272Zeile 271
$l['already_accepted_invite'] = "You have already accepted an invite to join this group.";
$l['already_member_of_group'] = "You cannot join a group of which you are already a member of.";
$l['already_sent_join_request'] = "You have already sent a request to join this group and it is yet to be moderated.";

$l['already_accepted_invite'] = "You have already accepted an invite to join this group.";
$l['already_member_of_group'] = "You cannot join a group of which you are already a member of.";
$l['already_sent_join_request'] = "You have already sent a request to join this group and it is yet to be moderated.";

$l['joinreason_too_long'] = "Specified Join Reason is too long. A maximum of 250 characters is allowed. Please remove {1} character(s) from this field.";

$l['group_join_requestsent'] = "Your join request has been successfully sent. Once your membership is approved you will be automatically joined to this user group.<br />You will be now taken to the group memberships page.";
$l['joined_group'] = "You have successfully joined the specified group.<br />You will be now taken back to the group management page.";
$l['cannot_leave_primary_group'] = "Sorry, but you cannot leave your primary group.";

$l['group_join_requestsent'] = "Your join request has been successfully sent. Once your membership is approved you will be automatically joined to this user group.<br />You will be now taken to the group memberships page.";
$l['joined_group'] = "You have successfully joined the specified group.<br />You will be now taken back to the group management page.";
$l['cannot_leave_primary_group'] = "Sorry, but you cannot leave your primary group.";

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$l['date_uploaded'] ="Posted";
$l['no_attachments_selected'] = "You did not select any attachments to delete.";
$l['attachments_deleted'] = "The selected attachments have been successfully deleted.<br />You will be now redirected to the attachments manager.";

$l['date_uploaded'] ="Posted";
$l['no_attachments_selected'] = "You did not select any attachments to delete.";
$l['attachments_deleted'] = "The selected attachments have been successfully deleted.<br />You will be now redirected to the attachments manager.";

$l['attachments_usage_quota'] = "- Using {1} of {2} ({3}) in {4} Attachments";

$l['attachments_usage_quota'] = "- Using {1} of {2} in {3} Attachments";
$l['attachments_usage_percent'] = " ({1}%)";

$l['attachments_usage'] = "- {1} in {2} Attachments";
$l['attachments_stats'] = "Your Attachment Statistics";
$l['attachstats_attachs'] = "Number of Attachments";

$l['attachments_usage'] = "- {1} in {2} Attachments";
$l['attachments_stats'] = "Your Attachment Statistics";
$l['attachstats_attachs'] = "Number of Attachments";

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$l['posts_by_you'] = "Contains Posts by You";
$l['no_new_thread'] = "No New Posts";
$l['hot_thread'] = "Hot Thread (No New)";

$l['posts_by_you'] = "Contains Posts by You";
$l['no_new_thread'] = "No New Posts";
$l['hot_thread'] = "Hot Thread (No New)";

$l['locked_thread'] = "Locked Thread";

$l['closed_thread'] = "Closed Thread";

$l['icon_dot'] = "Contains posts by you. "; // The spaces for the icon labels are strategically placed so that there should be no extra space at the beginning or end of the resulting label and that spaces separate each 'status' ;)
$l['icon_no_new'] = "No new posts.";
$l['icon_new'] = "New posts.";
$l['icon_hot'] = " Hot thread.";

$l['icon_dot'] = "Contains posts by you. "; // The spaces for the icon labels are strategically placed so that there should be no extra space at the beginning or end of the resulting label and that spaces separate each 'status' ;)
$l['icon_no_new'] = "No new posts.";
$l['icon_new'] = "New posts.";
$l['icon_hot'] = " Hot thread.";

$l['icon_lock'] = " Locked thread.";

$l['icon_close'] = " Closed thread.";

$l['buddylist_error'] = 'There was an error fetching the buddy list. ';

$l['buddylist_error'] = 'There was an error fetching the buddy list. ';