Vergleich inc/languages/english/global.lang.php - 1.8.8 - 1.8.15

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Zeile 19Zeile 19
$l['bottomlinks_returntop'] = "Return to Top";
$l['bottomlinks_syndication'] = "RSS Syndication";
$l['bottomlinks_litemode'] = "Lite (Archive) Mode";

$l['bottomlinks_returntop'] = "Return to Top";
$l['bottomlinks_syndication'] = "RSS Syndication";
$l['bottomlinks_litemode'] = "Lite (Archive) Mode";

$l['bottomlinks_markread'] = "Mark All Forums Read";

$l['welcome_usercp'] = "User CP";
$l['welcome_modcp'] = "Mod CP";

$l['welcome_usercp'] = "User CP";
$l['welcome_modcp'] = "Mod CP";

Zeile 131Zeile 132
$l['instant_email_subscribe'] = "Subscribe and receive email notification of new replies";
$l['instant_pm_subscribe'] = "Subscribe and receive PM notification of new replies";

$l['instant_email_subscribe'] = "Subscribe and receive email notification of new replies";
$l['instant_pm_subscribe'] = "Subscribe and receive PM notification of new replies";

$l['today_rel'] = "<span title=\"{1}\">Today</span>";
$l['yesterday_rel'] = "<span title=\"{1}\">Yesterday</span>";

$l['today'] = "Today";
$l['yesterday'] = "Yesterday";
$l['error'] = "Board Message";

$l['today'] = "Today";
$l['yesterday'] = "Yesterday";
$l['error'] = "Board Message";

Zeile 207Zeile 210
$l['editor_veoh'] = "Veoh";
$l['editor_vimeo'] = "Vimeo";
$l['editor_youtube'] = "Youtube";

$l['editor_veoh'] = "Veoh";
$l['editor_vimeo'] = "Vimeo";
$l['editor_youtube'] = "Youtube";

$l['editor_twitch'] = "Twitch";

$l['editor_facebook'] = "Facebook";
$l['editor_liveleak'] = "LiveLeak";
$l['editor_insertvideo'] = "Insert a video";

$l['editor_facebook'] = "Facebook";
$l['editor_liveleak'] = "LiveLeak";
$l['editor_insertvideo'] = "Insert a video";

Zeile 268Zeile 272
$l['postbit_warning_level'] = "Warning Level:";
$l['postbit_warn'] = "Warn the author for this post";
$l['postbit_purgespammer'] = "Purge Spammer";

$l['postbit_warning_level'] = "Warning Level:";
$l['postbit_warn'] = "Warn the author for this post";
$l['postbit_purgespammer'] = "Purge Spammer";

$l['postbit_post_deleted'] = "This post has been deleted.";
$l['postbit_post_unapproved'] = "This post is awaiting approval.";
$l['postbit_thread_deleted'] = "This thread has been deleted.";
$l['postbit_thread_unapproved'] = "This thread is awaiting approval.";
$l['postbit_deleted_post_user'] = "This post by {1} has been deleted.";

$l['postbit_button_reputation_add'] = 'Rate';
$l['postbit_button_website'] = 'Website';

$l['postbit_button_reputation_add'] = 'Rate';
$l['postbit_button_website'] = 'Website';

Zeile 303Zeile 312
$l['smilieinsert_getmore'] = "get more";
$l['on'] = "On";
$l['off'] = "Off";

$l['smilieinsert_getmore'] = "get more";
$l['on'] = "On";
$l['off'] = "Off";

$l['remote_avatar_disabled_default_avatar'] = "You are currently using a remote avatar, which has been disabled. The default avatar will be used instead.";

$l['unread_report'] = "Moderator Notice: There is 1 unread report.";
$l['unread_reports'] = "Moderator Notice: There are {1} unread reports.";
$l['pending_joinrequest'] = "Group Leader Notice: You have 1 pending group membership join request.";

$l['unread_report'] = "Moderator Notice: There is 1 unread report.";
$l['unread_reports'] = "Moderator Notice: There are {1} unread reports.";
$l['pending_joinrequest'] = "Group Leader Notice: You have 1 pending group membership join request.";

Zeile 342Zeile 352
$l['rel_in'] = "In ";
$l['rel_ago'] = "ago";
$l['rel_less_than'] = "Less than ";

$l['rel_in'] = "In ";
$l['rel_ago'] = "ago";
$l['rel_less_than'] = "Less than ";

$l['rel_time'] = "{1}{2} {3} {4}";

$l['rel_time'] = "<span title=\"{5}{6}\">{1}{2} {3} {4}</span>";

$l['rel_minutes_single'] = "minute";
$l['rel_minutes_plural'] = "minutes";
$l['rel_hours_single'] = "hour";

$l['rel_minutes_single'] = "minute";
$l['rel_minutes_plural'] = "minutes";
$l['rel_hours_single'] = "hour";

Zeile 452Zeile 462
$l['timezone_gmt_400'] = "(GMT +4:00) Moscow, Abu Dhabi, Baku, Muscat, Tbilisi";
$l['timezone_gmt_450'] = "(GMT +4:30) Kabul";
$l['timezone_gmt_500'] = "(GMT +5:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent";

$l['timezone_gmt_400'] = "(GMT +4:00) Moscow, Abu Dhabi, Baku, Muscat, Tbilisi";
$l['timezone_gmt_450'] = "(GMT +4:30) Kabul";
$l['timezone_gmt_500'] = "(GMT +5:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent";

$l['timezone_gmt_550'] = "(GMT +5:30) Mumbai, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi";

$l['timezone_gmt_550'] = "(GMT +5:30) Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, New Delhi";

$l['timezone_gmt_575'] = "(GMT +5:45) Kathmandu";
$l['timezone_gmt_600'] = "(GMT +6:00) Almaty, Dhakra, Yekaterinburg";
$l['timezone_gmt_650'] = "(GMT +6:30) Yangon";

$l['timezone_gmt_575'] = "(GMT +5:45) Kathmandu";
$l['timezone_gmt_600'] = "(GMT +6:00) Almaty, Dhakra, Yekaterinburg";
$l['timezone_gmt_650'] = "(GMT +6:30) Yangon";

Zeile 542Zeile 552
$l['moderation_forum_thread'] = "Please note that new threads in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible.";
$l['moderation_forum_edits'] = "Please note that edited posts in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible.";
$l['moderation_forum_edits_quick'] = "Please note that edited posts in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible.";

$l['moderation_forum_thread'] = "Please note that new threads in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible.";
$l['moderation_forum_edits'] = "Please note that edited posts in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible.";
$l['moderation_forum_edits_quick'] = "Please note that edited posts in this forum must be approved by a moderator before becoming visible.";

$l['awaiting_message_link'] = " <a href=\"{1}/{2}/index.php?module=user-users&amp;action=search&amp;results=1&amp;conditions=a%3A1%3A%7Bs%3A9%3A%22usergroup%22%3Bs%3A1%3A%225%22%3B%7D\">Go to the ACP</a>.";

$l['awaiting_message_link'] = " <a href=\"{1}/{2}/index.php?module=user-awaiting_activation\">Go to the ACP</a>.";

$l['awaiting_message_single'] = "There is 1 account awaiting activation. Please go to your ACP to activate the user.";
$l['awaiting_message_plural'] = "There are {1} accounts awaiting activation. Please go to your ACP to activate the users.";

$l['awaiting_message_single'] = "There is 1 account awaiting activation. Please go to your ACP to activate the user.";
$l['awaiting_message_plural'] = "There are {1} accounts awaiting activation. Please go to your ACP to activate the users.";

Zeile 560Zeile 570

$l['stopforumspam_error_decoding'] = 'Error decoding data from';
$l['stopforumspam_error_retrieving'] = 'Error retrieving data from';

$l['stopforumspam_error_decoding'] = 'Error decoding data from';
$l['stopforumspam_error_retrieving'] = 'Error retrieving data from';

$l['stopforumspam_invalid_email'] = 'Invalid email address whilst checking against the API.';
$l['stopforumspam_invalid_ip_address'] = 'Invalid IP address whilst checking against the API.';

$l['sfs_error_username'] = 'username';
$l['sfs_error_ip'] = 'IP';

$l['sfs_error_username'] = 'username';
$l['sfs_error_ip'] = 'IP';