Vergleich admin/inc/functions_themes.php - 1.8.6 - 1.8.14

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global $mybb;

global $mybb;

	$filename = str_replace('/', '', $filename);

	$filename = basename($filename);

	$tid = (int) $tid;
$theme_directory = "cache/themes/theme{$tid}";

	$tid = (int) $tid;
$theme_directory = "cache/themes/theme{$tid}";

Zeile 420Zeile 420
		"theme" => $theme_directory
$stylesheet = parse_theme_variables($stylesheet, $theme_vars);

		"theme" => $theme_directory
$stylesheet = parse_theme_variables($stylesheet, $theme_vars);

	$stylesheet = preg_replace_callback("#url\((\"|'|)(.*)\\1\)#", create_function('$matches', 'return fix_css_urls($matches[2]);'), $stylesheet);

	$stylesheet = preg_replace_callback("#url\((\"|'|)([^\"'\s]*?)\\1\)#", 'fix_css_urls_callback', $stylesheet);

$fp = @fopen(MYBB_ROOT . "{$theme_directory}/{$filename}", "wb");

$fp = @fopen(MYBB_ROOT . "{$theme_directory}/{$filename}", "wb");

Zeile 525Zeile 525
return "url({$url})";

return "url({$url})";


* @param array $matches Matches.
* @return string
function fix_css_urls_callback($matches)
return fix_css_urls($matches[2]);





Zeile 1110Zeile 1120
	$db->update_query("themes", $updated_theme, "tid = '{$tid}'");

// Do we have any children themes that need updating too?

	$db->update_query("themes", $updated_theme, "tid = '{$tid}'");

// Do we have any children themes that need updating too?

	if(count($child_list) > 0)

	if(is_array($child_list) && count($child_list) > 0)

foreach($child_list as $id)

foreach($child_list as $id)