Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/config_thread_prefixes.lang.php - 1.8.4 - 1.8.14

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$l['add_new_thread_prefix_desc'] = "Here you can add a new thread prefix and define where it is available, as well as which usergroups can use it.";

$l['edit_prefix'] = "Edit Prefix";

$l['add_new_thread_prefix_desc'] = "Here you can add a new thread prefix and define where it is available, as well as which usergroups can use it.";

$l['edit_prefix'] = "Edit Prefix";

$l['edit_prefix_desc'] = "Here you can edit a thread prefix and change how it is display, where it is available and which usergroups can use it.";

$l['edit_prefix_desc'] = "Here you can edit a thread prefix and change how it is displayed, where it is available and which usergroups can use it.";

$l['edit_thread_prefix'] = "Edit Thread Prefix";
$l['delete_thread_prefix'] = "Delete Thread Prefix";

$l['edit_thread_prefix'] = "Edit Thread Prefix";
$l['delete_thread_prefix'] = "Delete Thread Prefix";