Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/user_groups.lang.php - 1.8.8 - 1.8.11

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$l['can_delete_posts'] = "Can delete own posts?";
$l['can_delete_threads'] = "Can delete own threads?";
$l['can_edit_attachments'] = "Can update own attachments?";

$l['can_delete_posts'] = "Can delete own posts?";
$l['can_delete_threads'] = "Can delete own threads?";
$l['can_edit_attachments'] = "Can update own attachments?";

$l['can_view_deletion_notices'] = "Can view deletion notices?";

$l['account_management'] = "Account Management";
$l['edit_time_limit'] = "Edit Time Limit";
$l['edit_time_limit_desc'] = "The number of minutes until regular users cannot edit their own posts (if they have the permission). Enter 0 (zero) for no limit.";

$l['account_management'] = "Account Management";
$l['edit_time_limit'] = "Edit Time Limit";
$l['edit_time_limit_desc'] = "The number of minutes until regular users cannot edit their own posts (if they have the permission). Enter 0 (zero) for no limit.";