Vergleich jscripts/select2/select2.css - 1.8.0 - 1.8.4

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Zeile 1Zeile 1


Version: 3.5.0 Timestamp: Mon Jun 16 19:29:44 EDT 2014

Version: 3.5.2 Timestamp: Sat Nov  1 14:43:36 EDT 2014

.select2-container {
margin: 0;

.select2-container {
margin: 0;

Zeile 421Zeile 421
    background: #fff;
color: #000;

    background: #fff;
color: #000;


.select2-results .select2-no-results,
.select2-results .select2-searching,

.select2-results .select2-no-results,
.select2-results .select2-searching,

.select2-results .select2-ajax-error,

.select2-results .select2-selection-limit {
background: #f4f4f4;
display: list-item;
padding-left: 5px;

.select2-results .select2-selection-limit {
background: #f4f4f4;
display: list-item;
padding-left: 5px;



disabled look for disabled choices in the results dropdown

disabled look for disabled choices in the results dropdown

Zeile 444Zeile 444
  background: #f4f4f4;
display: list-item;
cursor: default;

  background: #f4f4f4;
display: list-item;
cursor: default;



.select2-results .select2-selected {
display: none;

.select2-results .select2-selected {
display: none;



.select2-more-results.select2-active {
background: #f4f4f4 url('select2-spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%;

.select2-more-results.select2-active {
background: #f4f4f4 url('select2-spinner.gif') no-repeat 100%;


.select2-results .select2-ajax-error {
background: rgba(255, 50, 50, .2);


.select2-more-results {


.select2-more-results {

Zeile 582Zeile 586
    background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, color-stop(20%, #f4f4f4), color-stop(50%, #f0f0f0), color-stop(52%, #e8e8e8), color-stop(100%, #eee));
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f4f4f4 20%, #f0f0f0 50%, #e8e8e8 52%, #eee 100%);
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f4f4f4 20%, #f0f0f0 50%, #e8e8e8 52%, #eee 100%);

    background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, color-stop(20%, #f4f4f4), color-stop(50%, #f0f0f0), color-stop(52%, #e8e8e8), color-stop(100%, #eee));
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f4f4f4 20%, #f0f0f0 50%, #e8e8e8 52%, #eee 100%);
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f4f4f4 20%, #f0f0f0 50%, #e8e8e8 52%, #eee 100%);

    background-image: linear-gradient(to top, #f4f4f4 20%, #f0f0f0 50%, #e8e8e8 52%, #eee 100%);

    background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f4f4f4 20%, #f0f0f0 50%, #e8e8e8 52%, #eee 100%);

html[dir="rtl"] .select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-choice

html[dir="rtl"] .select2-container-multi .select2-choices .select2-search-choice