Vergleich inc/languages/english/search.lang.php - 1.8.0 - 1.8.4

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$l['results'] = "results";
$l['mod_options'] = "Moderator Options";

$l['results'] = "results";
$l['mod_options'] = "Moderator Options";

$l['find_all'] = "Find all";
$l['find_only_approved'] = "Find only approved";
$l['find_only_unapproved'] = "Find only unapproved";
$l['find_only_softdeleted'] = "Find only soft deleted";

$l['display_all'] = "Display all";
$l['display_only_approved'] = "Display only approved";
$l['display_only_unapproved'] = "Display only unapproved";
$l['display_only_softdeleted'] = "Display only soft deleted";

$l['redirect_searchresults'] = "Thank you, your search has been submitted and you will now be taken to the results list.";

$l['redirect_searchresults'] = "Thank you, your search has been submitted and you will now be taken to the results list.";