Vergleich forumdisplay.php - 1.8.0 - 1.8.2

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Zeile 329Zeile 329
		$guestsonline = $lang->sprintf($lang->users_browsing_forum_guests, $guestcount);

		$guestsonline = $lang->sprintf($lang->users_browsing_forum_guests, $guestcount);

	$onlinesep = '';
if($guestcount && $onlinemembers)

	$invisonline = '';
if($mybb->user['invisible'] == 1)



		$onlinesep = $lang->comma;

$invisonline = '';
if($inviscount && $mybb->usergroup['canviewwolinvis'] != 1 && ($inviscount != 1 && $mybb->user['invisible'] != 1))

		// the user was counted as invisible user --> correct the inviscount
$inviscount -= 1;
if($inviscount && $mybb->usergroup['canviewwolinvis'] != 1)

$invisonline = $lang->sprintf($lang->users_browsing_forum_invis, $inviscount);

$invisonline = $lang->sprintf($lang->users_browsing_forum_invis, $inviscount);



$onlinesep = '';
if($invisonline != '' && $onlinemembers)
$onlinesep = $lang->comma;

	$onlinesep2 = '';

	$onlinesep2 = '';

	if($invisonline != '' && $guestcount)

	if($invisonline != '' && $guestcount || $onlinemembers && $guestcount)

$onlinesep2 = $lang->comma;

eval("\$usersbrowsing = \"".$templates->get("forumdisplay_usersbrowsing")."\";");

$onlinesep2 = $lang->comma;

eval("\$usersbrowsing = \"".$templates->get("forumdisplay_usersbrowsing")."\";");



// Do we have any forum rules to show for this forum?
$forumrules = '';

// Do we have any forum rules to show for this forum?
$forumrules = '';

Zeile 365Zeile 371
		"allow_smilies" => 1,
"allow_imgcode" => 1

		"allow_smilies" => 1,
"allow_imgcode" => 1

	$foruminfo['rules'] = $parser->parse_message($foruminfo['rules'], $rules_parser);
if($foruminfo['rulestype'] == 1 || $foruminfo['rulestype'] == 3)

	$foruminfo['rules'] = $parser->parse_message($foruminfo['rules'], $rules_parser);
if($foruminfo['rulestype'] == 1 || $foruminfo['rulestype'] == 3)



		eval("\$rules = \"".$templates->get("forumdisplay_rules")."\";");

		eval("\$rules = \"".$templates->get("forumdisplay_rules")."\";");



	else if($foruminfo['rulestype'] == 2)
eval("\$rules = \"".$templates->get("forumdisplay_rules_link")."\";");

	else if($foruminfo['rulestype'] == 2)
eval("\$rules = \"".$templates->get("forumdisplay_rules_link")."\";");

$bgcolor = "trow1";

// Set here to fetch only approved topics (and then below for a moderator we change this).
$visibleonly = "AND visible='1'";
$tvisibleonly = "AND t.visible='1'";

$bgcolor = "trow1";

// Set here to fetch only approved topics (and then below for a moderator we change this).
$visibleonly = "AND visible='1'";
$tvisibleonly = "AND t.visible='1'";

// Check if the active user is a moderator and get the inline moderation tools.

// Check if the active user is a moderator and get the inline moderation tools.

Zeile 398Zeile 404
$visibleonly = "AND visible IN (0,1)";
$tvisibleonly = "AND t.visible IN (0,1)";

$visibleonly = "AND visible IN (0,1)";
$tvisibleonly = "AND t.visible IN (0,1)";



		elseif(is_moderator($fid, "canviewdeleted") == true && is_moderator($fid, "canviewunapprove") == false)
$visibleonly = "AND visible IN (-1,1)";
$tvisibleonly = "AND t.visible IN (-1,1)";

		elseif(is_moderator($fid, "canviewdeleted") == true && is_moderator($fid, "canviewunapprove") == false)
$visibleonly = "AND visible IN (-1,1)";
$tvisibleonly = "AND t.visible IN (-1,1)";



$visibleonly = " AND visible IN (-1,0,1)";

$visibleonly = " AND visible IN (-1,0,1)";

Zeile 415Zeile 421
$inlinemod = $inlinemodcol = '';
$ismod = false;

$inlinemod = $inlinemodcol = '';
$ismod = false;



if(is_moderator($fid, "caneditposts") || $fpermissions['caneditposts'] == 1)

if(is_moderator($fid, "caneditposts") || $fpermissions['caneditposts'] == 1)

Zeile 430Zeile 436

// Pick out some sorting options.
// First, the date cut for the threads.

// Pick out some sorting options.
// First, the date cut for the threads.

$datecut = 0;

$datecut = 9999;

// If the user manually set a date cut, use it.

// If the user manually set a date cut, use it.



$datecut = $mybb->user['daysprune'];

$datecut = $mybb->user['daysprune'];

Zeile 451Zeile 457
$datecut = $mybb->get_input('datecut', 1);

$datecut = $mybb->get_input('datecut', 1);



$datecut = (int)$datecut;
$datecutsel[$datecut] = "selected=\"selected\"";

$datecutsel[(int)$datecut] = ' selected="selected"';

if($datecut > 0 && $datecut != 9999)
$checkdate = TIME_NOW - ($datecut * 86400);

if($datecut > 0 && $datecut != 9999)
$checkdate = TIME_NOW - ($datecut * 86400);

Zeile 465Zeile 470
$datecutsql = '';
$datecutsql2 = '';

$datecutsql = '';
$datecutsql2 = '';



// Sort by thread prefix
$tprefix = $mybb->get_input('prefix', 1);
if($tprefix > 0)

// Sort by thread prefix
$tprefix = $mybb->get_input('prefix', 1);
if($tprefix > 0)

	$prefixsql = "AND prefix='{$tprefix}'";
$prefixsql2 = "AND t.prefix='{$tprefix}'";

	$prefixsql = "AND prefix = {$tprefix}";
$prefixsql2 = "AND t.prefix = {$tprefix}";
else if($tprefix == -1)
$prefixsql = "AND prefix = 0";
$prefixsql2 = "AND t.prefix = 0";
else if($tprefix == -2)
$prefixsql = "AND prefix != 0";
$prefixsql2 = "AND t.prefix != 0";



	$prefixsql = '';
$prefixsql2 = '';

	$prefixsql = $prefixsql2 = '';


// Pick the sort order.


// Pick the sort order.

Zeile 496Zeile 510
case "asc":
$sortordernow = "asc";

case "asc":
$sortordernow = "asc";

        $ordersel['asc'] = "selected=\"selected\"";

        $ordersel['asc'] = ' selected="selected"';

		$oppsort = $lang->desc;
$oppsortnext = "desc";
$sortordernow = "desc";

		$oppsort = $lang->desc;
$oppsortnext = "desc";
$sortordernow = "desc";

		$ordersel['desc'] = "selected=\"selected\"";

		$ordersel['desc'] = ' selected="selected"';

        $oppsort = $lang->asc;
$oppsortnext = "asc";

        $oppsort = $lang->asc;
$oppsortnext = "asc";

Zeile 553Zeile 567

$sortsel['rating'] = ''; // Needs to be initialized in order to speed-up things. Fixes #2031


$sortsel['rating'] = ''; // Needs to be initialized in order to speed-up things. Fixes #2031

$sortsel[$mybb->input['sortby']] = "selected=\"selected\"";

$sortsel[$mybb->input['sortby']] = ' selected="selected"';

// Pick the right string to join the sort URL
if($mybb->seo_support == true)

// Pick the right string to join the sort URL
if($mybb->seo_support == true)

Zeile 685Zeile 699
		$and = "&";

		$and = "&";

	if($tprefix > 0)

	if($tprefix != 0)

$page_url .= "{$q}{$and}prefix={$tprefix}";

$page_url .= "{$q}{$and}prefix={$tprefix}";