Vergleich global.php - 1.6.14 - 1.6.16

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$unreadreports = '';
// This user is a moderator, super moderator or administrator

$unreadreports = '';
// This user is a moderator, super moderator or administrator

if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] == 1 || $mybb->user['ismoderator'] && $mybb->usergroup['canmodcp'])

if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] == 1 || ($mybb->user['ismoderator'] && $mybb->usergroup['canmodcp']))



	// Read the reported posts cache
$reported = $cache->read("reportedposts");

// 0 or more reported posts currently exist
if($reported['unread'] > 0)
if($reported['unread'] == 1)

	// Only worth checking if we are here because we have ACP permissions and the other condition fails
if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] == 1 && !($mybb->user['ismoderator'] && $mybb->usergroup['canmodcp']))
// First we check if the user's a super admin: if yes, we don't care about permissions
$can_access_moderationqueue = true;
$is_super_admin = is_super_admin($recipient['uid']);



			$lang->unread_reports = $lang->unread_report;

			// Include admin functions
$can_access_moderationqueue = false;

require_once MYBB_ROOT.$mybb->config['admin_dir']."/inc/functions.php";

// Verify if we have permissions to access forum-moderation_queue
require_once MYBB_ROOT.$mybb->config['admin_dir']."/modules/forum/module_meta.php";
// Get admin permissions
$adminperms = get_admin_permissions($mybb->user['uid']);

$permissions = forum_admin_permissions();
if(array_key_exists('moderation_queue', $permissions['permissions']) && $adminperms['forum']['moderation_queue'] != 1)
$can_access_moderationqueue = false;




$can_access_moderationqueue = false;

if($can_access_moderationqueue || ($mybb->user['ismoderator'] && $mybb->usergroup['canmodcp']))
// Read the reported posts cache
$reported = $cache->read("reportedposts");

// 0 or more reported posts currently exist
if($reported['unread'] > 0)



			$lang->unread_reports = $lang->sprintf($lang->unread_reports, $reported['unread']);

			if($reported['unread'] == 1)
$lang->unread_reports = $lang->unread_report;
$lang->unread_reports = $lang->sprintf($lang->unread_reports, $reported['unread']);
eval("\$unreadreports = \"".$templates->get("global_unreadreports")."\";");



		eval("\$unreadreports = \"".$templates->get("global_unreadreports")."\";");

