Vergleich inc/languages/english/member.lang.php - 1.6.14 - 1.6.15

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$l['redirect_emailupdated'] = "Your email has been successfully changed.<br />You will now be taken back to the main page.";
$l['redirect_accountactivated'] = "Your account has successfully been activated.<br />You will now be taken back to the main page.";
$l['redirect_registered'] = "Thank you for registering on {1}, {2}.<br />You will now be taken back to the main page.";

$l['redirect_emailupdated'] = "Your email has been successfully changed.<br />You will now be taken back to the main page.";
$l['redirect_accountactivated'] = "Your account has successfully been activated.<br />You will now be taken back to the main page.";
$l['redirect_registered'] = "Thank you for registering on {1}, {2}.<br />You will now be taken back to the main page.";

$l['redirect_registered_admin_activate'] = "Thank you for registering on {1}, {2}.<br />Your registration must be activated by an administrator.  Until then, you may not be able to post on these forums.";

$l['redirect_registered_admin_activate'] = "Thank you for registering on {1}, {2}.<br />Your registration must be activated by an administrator. Until then, you may not be able to post on these forums.";

$l['redirect_loggedout'] = "You have successfully been logged out.<br />You will now be taken back to the forum index.";
$l['redirect_alreadyloggedout'] = "You were already logged out or have not logged in yet.<br />You will now be taken back to the forum index.";
$l['redirect_lostpwsent'] = "Thank you, all accounts pertaining to that email address have now been sent an email with details on how to reset the passwords.<br /><br />You will now be taken to the forums' index.";

$l['redirect_loggedout'] = "You have successfully been logged out.<br />You will now be taken back to the forum index.";
$l['redirect_alreadyloggedout'] = "You were already logged out or have not logged in yet.<br />You will now be taken back to the forum index.";
$l['redirect_lostpwsent'] = "Thank you, all accounts pertaining to that email address have now been sent an email with details on how to reset the passwords.<br /><br />You will now be taken to the forums' index.";