Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/config_badwords.lang.php - 1.6.0 - 1.6.6

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 * MyBB 1.6 English Language Pack
* Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved

 * MyBB 1.6 English Language Pack
* Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved

 * $Id: config_badwords.lang.php 5071 2010-07-02 11:38:44Z Tomm $

 * $Id: config_badwords.lang.php 5490 2011-07-12 13:39:55Z Tomm $


$l['bad_words'] = "Word Filters";


$l['bad_words'] = "Word Filters";

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$l['bad_word_filters_desc'] = "This feature allows you to manage a listing of words or phrases which are automatically replaced in posts on your forum. It is useful for replacing swear words and such.";

$l['bad_word'] = "Word";

$l['bad_word_filters_desc'] = "This feature allows you to manage a listing of words or phrases which are automatically replaced in posts on your forum. It is useful for replacing swear words and such.";

$l['bad_word'] = "Word";

$l['bad_word_desc'] = "Enter the word which you wish to be filtered";

$l['bad_word_desc'] = "Enter the word which you wish to be filtered. The '*' character represents any single character (a-zA-Z0-9_).";

$l['bad_word_max'] = "A filtered word can't be longer than 100 characters.";
$l['replacement'] = "Replacement";
$l['replacement_desc'] = "Enter the string which will replace the filtered word (If this is blank, asterisks will be shown)";
$l['replacement_word_max'] = "A replacement word can't be longer than 100 characters.";

$l['bad_word_max'] = "A filtered word can't be longer than 100 characters.";
$l['replacement'] = "Replacement";
$l['replacement_desc'] = "Enter the string which will replace the filtered word (If this is blank, asterisks will be shown)";
$l['replacement_word_max'] = "A replacement word can't be longer than 100 characters.";

$l['error_replacement_word_invalid'] = "A replacement word cannot be equivalent to it's word filter.";

$l['save_bad_word'] = "Save Filter";
$l['no_bad_words'] = "There are no word filters currently set at this time.";

$l['save_bad_word'] = "Save Filter";
$l['no_bad_words'] = "There are no word filters currently set at this time.";