Vergleich inc/languages/english/admin/forum_management.lang.php - 1.6.0 - 1.6.1

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$l['confirm_forum_deletion'] = "Are you sure you wish to delete this forum?";
$l['confirm_clear_custom_permission'] = "Are you sure you wish to clear this custom permission?";

$l['confirm_forum_deletion'] = "Are you sure you wish to delete this forum?";
$l['confirm_clear_custom_permission'] = "Are you sure you wish to clear this custom permission?";

$l['create_a'] = "Create a";
$l['create_a_desc'] = "Select the type of forum you are creating - a forum you can post in, or a category, which contains other forums.";

$l['forum_type'] = "Forum Type";
$l['forum_type_desc'] = "Select the type of forum you are creating - a forum you can post in, or a category, which contains other forums.";

$l['forum'] = "Forum";
$l['category'] = "Category";
$l['title'] = "Title";

$l['forum'] = "Forum";
$l['category'] = "Category";
$l['title'] = "Title";