Vergleich inc/languages/english/usercp.lang.php - 1.2.1 - 1.2.5

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 * MyBB 1.2 English Language Pack
* Copyright © 2006 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved

 * MyBB 1.2 English Language Pack
* Copyright © 2006 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved

 * $Id: usercp.lang.php 2173 2006-08-30 18:07:30Z Kilroy $

 * $Id: usercp.lang.php 2714 2007-02-04 23:10:56Z Tikitiki $


$l['nav_usercp'] = "User Control Panel";


$l['nav_usercp'] = "User Control Panel";

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$l['attachstats_bandwidth'] = "Approximate Bandwidth Usage";

$l['error_avatartoobig'] = "Sorry but we cannot change your avatar as the new avatar you specified is too big. The maximum dimensions are {1}x{2} (width x height)";

$l['attachstats_bandwidth'] = "Approximate Bandwidth Usage";

$l['error_avatartoobig'] = "Sorry but we cannot change your avatar as the new avatar you specified is too big. The maximum dimensions are {1}x{2} (width x height)";

$l['error_invalidavatarurl'] = "The URL you enterd for your avatar does not appear to be valid. Please ensure you enter a valid URL.";

$l['error_invalidavatarurl'] = "The URL you entered for your avatar does not appear to be valid. Please ensure you enter a valid URL.";

$l['custom_usertitle'] = "Custom User Title";
$l['new_custom_usertitle'] = "New Custom User Title: (leave blank to use existing)";
$l['custom_usertitle_note'] = "Here you can assign yourself a custom user title which will overwrite the one based on your display group.";

$l['custom_usertitle'] = "Custom User Title";
$l['new_custom_usertitle'] = "New Custom User Title: (leave blank to use existing)";
$l['custom_usertitle_note'] = "Here you can assign yourself a custom user title which will overwrite the one based on your display group.";

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$l['error_avatartype'] = "Invalid file type. An uploaded avatar must be in GIF, JPEG, or PNG format.";
$l['error_alreadyingroup'] = "The user specified already is part of the usergroup.";
$l['error_usercp_return_date_past'] = "You cannot return in the past!";

$l['error_avatartype'] = "Invalid file type. An uploaded avatar must be in GIF, JPEG, or PNG format.";
$l['error_alreadyingroup'] = "The user specified already is part of the usergroup.";
$l['error_usercp_return_date_past'] = "You cannot return in the past!";

$l['error_usercp_return_date_2038'] = "You cannot set your away year date more than 2037!";

