Vergleich inc/languages/english/global.lang.php - 1.2.7 - 1.2.13

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 * MyBB 1.2 English Language Pack
* Copyright © 2006 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved

 * MyBB 1.2 English Language Pack
* Copyright © 2006 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved

 * $Id: global.lang.php 2995 2007-04-06 04:34:05Z Tikitiki $

 * $Id: global.lang.php 3596 2008-01-20 08:27:39Z Tikitiki $


$l['redirect_width'] = "50%";


$l['redirect_width'] = "50%";

Zeile 94Zeile 94
$l['insert_attachment_post'] = "Insert Into Post";
$l['new_attachment'] = "New Attachment:";
$l['add_attachment'] = "Add Attachment";

$l['insert_attachment_post'] = "Insert Into Post";
$l['new_attachment'] = "New Attachment:";
$l['add_attachment'] = "Add Attachment";

$l['post_preview'] = "Post Preview";

$l['post_preview'] = "Preview";

$l['change_user'] = "change user";
$l['post_icon'] = "Post Icon";
$l['no_post_icon'] = "no icon";

$l['change_user'] = "change user";
$l['post_icon'] = "Post Icon";
$l['no_post_icon'] = "no icon";

Zeile 135Zeile 135
$l['editor_size_x_small'] = "X Small";
$l['editor_size_small'] = "Small";
$l['editor_size_medium'] = "Medium";

$l['editor_size_x_small'] = "X Small";
$l['editor_size_small'] = "Small";
$l['editor_size_medium'] = "Medium";

$l['editor_size_large'] = "Large";

$l['editor_size_x_large'] = "X Large";
$l['editor_size_xx_large'] = "XX Large";
$l['editor_color_white'] = "White";

$l['editor_size_x_large'] = "X Large";
$l['editor_size_xx_large'] = "XX Large";
$l['editor_color_white'] = "White";

Zeile 274Zeile 275
$l['error_loadlimit'] = "The maximum server load limit has been reached.  Please check back later once the server is less busy.";
$l['error_boardclosed'] = "This bulletin board is currently closed. The Administrator has specified the reason as to why below.";
$l['error_banned'] = "I'm sorry, but you are banned. You may not post, read threads, or access the forum. Please contact your forum administrator should you have any questions.";

$l['error_loadlimit'] = "The maximum server load limit has been reached.  Please check back later once the server is less busy.";
$l['error_boardclosed'] = "This bulletin board is currently closed. The Administrator has specified the reason as to why below.";
$l['error_banned'] = "I'm sorry, but you are banned. You may not post, read threads, or access the forum. Please contact your forum administrator should you have any questions.";


$l['invalid_post_code'] = "Authorisation code mismatch. Are you accessing this function correctly? Please go back and try again.";

$l['ajax_loading'] = "Loading. <br />Please Wait..";
$l['saving_changes'] = "Saving changes..";

$l['ajax_loading'] = "Loading. <br />Please Wait..";
$l['saving_changes'] = "Saving changes..";