Vergleich install/resources/settings.xml - 1.2.8 - 1.2.12

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			<title>Minimum Search Word Length</title>
<description><![CDATA[Enter the minimum number of characters an individual word in a search query can be. Set to 0 to disable (and accept the hard limit default of 3 for standard searching and 4 for MySQL fulltext searching). If you use MySQL fulltext searching and set this lower than the MySQL setting - MySQL will override it.]]></description>

			<title>Minimum Search Word Length</title>
<description><![CDATA[Enter the minimum number of characters an individual word in a search query can be. Set to 0 to disable (and accept the hard limit default of 3 for standard searching and 4 for MySQL fulltext searching). If you use MySQL fulltext searching and set this lower than the MySQL setting - MySQL will override it.]]></description>

<setting name="searchhardlimit">
<title>Hard Limit for Maximum Search Results</title>
<description><![CDATA[Enter the maximum amount of results to be processed. Set to 0 to disable. On larger boards (more than 1 million posts) this should be set to no more than 1000.]]></description>

